It's just Me...

Farewell to Dear Friend…

My apologies to my longstanding readers for my lapse in posts. So much has happened, but I’ve been quite uninspired lately to write about any of it. I will get to everything else at a later time. For now I felt this takes precedence. This is much more important, because it involves one of my dearest friends.

A few years ago, I wrote an article called “GoodBye George… Till We Meet Again“. In the brief stint, I dealt with the lost of someone I cared for and admired as a father figure. In it, I remembered a poem that I came across. To be honest, I never thought that I would be recalling it again so soon.

Towards the dawn of this very day, I had to say farewell to a very dear friend & sister. She was the elder sister I never had. I have so many fond memories of this person, I really don’t know where to begin.
She was there when I got my first car. I remember her saying she counted it an honor to be the first passenger in my beloved Alfa Romeo. I recall on the day how we planned to surprise the rest of our church friends as I picked her up for a meeting. I’ll never forget the shock on her face when she first saw it. She coined a phrase, “Juliet found his Romeo.” That is just one memory I have of her. There are many more.

Of course the picture in our heads that most of us will remember forever is the one of her behind the keyboard in church, blessing us with her enormous talent. She truly was gifted.. No.. I say she was a gift.

So as I stood there, with her grieving mother, her two heartbroken sisters, surrounded with friends to whom she was no less than family; I had the enormous sense of loss, but there was a problem – I couldn’t cry. As the many years before, I couldn’t cry. I couldn’t even shed a tear.

I suppose the blessing in disguise is by being able to keep my grief in check, I’m better able to console those who can’t.

In my previous article, I talked about the comfort that we have as Christians; in the event of losing a loved one. Such times of grief are never easy. If I feel such a loss, I can only imagine what her family is going through. For us Christians, death is never the end; its another beginning.
We are assured that our loved ones are not gone or forgotten. We will see them & be reunited in eternity. Again I’m reminded by the words of Dr. Jesse Duplantis, “They’re not in your past, they’re in your future.”

So with that, I end this with the same fore-mentioned poem; once again dedicated to someone who was quite simply – Legendary.

“God looked around his Garden and found an empty place.
He then looked down upon his earth and saw your loving face.
He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest.
His Garden must be beautiful, he always takes the best.
As the days come and go and the world moves on,
I know you’re still here, you’ll never be gone.
On the morn the Angel came and took your hand,
We cried as you left for an unknown land.
But Heaven rejoiced as you came into sight,
For your soul was a diamond, shining so bright!”

Despedida de Rhoda hasta que nos volvamos a unir. ❤

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