
My Wife is a LITERAL Work of Art

No.. I do not have a wife and probably never will. The ‘Girl Trouble‘ articles make it very clear why. 😛
This is a reblog from, in my opinion, a very talented and awesome writer.

This makes me wish that I could do a painting or something like it for that special someone; but I don’t have that kind of talent.

We all deserve to have a work of art in our lives. Inspiring to us to be the best of ourselves in order to be worthy of their beauty and magnificence.
Woe to those who have such and not appreciate it. For in their ignorance, they prove themselves truly unworthy.

Thank you to Seth of posting such an awesome article.

Seth Adam Smith

My good friend (and talented artist), Howard Lyon, recently finished a beautiful, new painting.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that he had painted a portrait of my wife!

Some time ago, Kim and I had worked with Howard on another project. He used a photograph from the shoot to create this angelic image of an angel woman.

Of the painting, Howard said this: “The goal for me was just to paint something beautiful…Kim’s expression was very subtle, but conveyed a lot of emotion.  I tried to catch some of that.  She could be longing to be held in the memory of a loved one, or remembering a loved one.”

The painting—and the woman who inspired it—immediately reminded me of this quote from the novel Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens:

“You are part of my existence, part of myself. You have been in every line I have ever…

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